Location: Abuela Santa Ana Wind Farm, Albacete, Spain
WGT Type: GE 1.5 MW- Height of 85 meters
Task Description: Safety Inspection
Workers Assigned to the Task: 1 Experienced Specialist Technician (author) and 1 Support Technician (hereafter referred to as S.G.Z.)
Level of Task Difficulty: Medium

The task being explored is not a particularly complex one and is usually assigned to an assistant or support technician. However, the support technician being considered for this case study, hereafter referred to as S.G.Z., has never previously worked within the wind sector. Like many novel workers within the industry, S.G.Z. has changed careers (having previously worked in the catering sector). S.G.Z. has received the initial training that enables him to work within the wind sector, and has successfully completed the following:
- GWO training
- Training in occupational risk prevention
- Internal security and emergency management training
- Theoretical training on work processes in wind turbines
- Client-specific training
In total, he has completed 120 hours of prior training; with his instructors having evaluated his behavior, attitude and other measurable factors; deeming him suitable to undertake the next step within his newly chosen profession.

On Monday, July 3, 2023, 06:00, we are preparing to travel from our accommodation located in Albacete, 35 minutes away from the wind farm site in Abuela Santa Ana, where this will act as our work base for the following month. At 08:00 we stop the wind turbine and start our first day of work. S.G.Z, faces his first contact with the turbine, with some nervousness and doubts, he asks many things and is attentive to the explanations that I offer him. I, as a mentor, face the responsibility of ensuring the safety of my work partner, their adaptation to and learning within a real work environment. We access the turbine and the work is carried out without any setbacks, we complete our working day and return back to our accommodations.
As a Mentor and Manager, How has RISKReal Assistend Me?
RISKReal has given me important data to establish a starting point. During the initial selection and training process, S.G.Z. carried out the tests and questionnaires that are included within the first output of the RISKReal project, the Gamified Assessment App. As an instructor I was able to collect the relevant information for myself and my organization. The measurable results were satisfactory, but as can be seen in the images below, the outcome also indicated some room for improvement in the areas of time management and conflict resolution skills.

Now, my company has the necessary information to help its workers improve their skills where required, as highlighted by the project’s Assessment App. weakest aspects, according to the results obtained, we use the second part of the project for this: question
Through the Project’s Assessment App, my company has the necessary information to help its workers improve their skills where required, according to the results obtained. In order to address these skills gaps, we can rely on the Project’s second output, the Training Modules.

S.G.Z., carried out the training aimed at improving his skill gaps, improving the test scores obtained within the Assessment App and further developing his skills, both as an individual and a worker.
On Saturday, July 8, our first week of work comes to an end. We have managed our time properly, maintained security and have prevailed over other aspects. My working partner’s learning process is adequate and our coexistence within our accommodation remains friendly and easy-going.
As a mentor, training manager and QHS; I can affirm that RISKReal works, it is an effective tool that is can be used by workers or companies to help improve safety, problem management, as well as other important aspects; such as coexistence when workers are displaced on assignments within the wind sector industry.
These have been the benefits obtained from the project’s first two outputs. Now that the third output is also operational, I can also imagine the benefits that can be obtained from the newly developed Virtual Simulator. I imagine workers who can interact through the virtual reality scenario and become familiar with their work environment safely, without any risk, whilst performing tasks with pre-established objectives such as measuring their response to problematic or risky situation and manage stress. In particular, the virtual scenarios based on the wind sector are particularly helpful, since they will allow inexperienced workers to get closer to the reality faced within their work environment and do within the safety of the simulation. RISKReal provides effective and beneficial tools, I strongly encourage other trainers or workers to adopt them.
Written by: Eduardo Garcia Mazagatos, Training manager – QHSE manager
from ADVENTIS Solutions